Saturday, January 21, 2017


The Police were supposed to protect the people from villains, criminals, people who broke the law. The police were supposed to be on our side. "To Protect and Serve."

What happened to that?

Honestly? That was never going to happen. The police in the US, just like the police everywhere else, in every time period, is specifically designed to protect the rich and the powerful. They are intended to keep the rest of us in line.

The laws are written to ensure that the rich can do whatever they want with absolute impunity, or at least with a minimum of obstruction. The laws are written to make sure the rest of us behave ourselves. The laws allow the wealthy to continue to stockpile wealth at the expense of the poor. They allow the wealthy to pay no tax, while the poor foot the bill for the streets and the bridges and the rest of the infrastructure. Fines are punitive for the poor, but merely annoying for the wealthy. Sentencing, whether we want to admit it or not, is based largely upon whether the defendant looks 'respectable' or 'dangerous'.

Beyond that, when the police, the individual members of the police force, decide for themselves that the law has become inadequate, they simply begin killing people they decide are threatening. These people are never the wealthy. The wealthy are the Great Men, the lions of society, the holders of the purse-strings, to whom one prostrates oneself.

The targets, of course, are the poor. Even more, the poor that sit outside the perceived majority. People of color, mostly.

And these individuals build a culture within the whole police force of moving beyond the scope of the law to punish those who are perceived as a threat. And when those people, those threats, fight back, the police take that as confirmation that they were right. So, for the poor, the choice becomes die, or die fighting.

What do you do?

You fight.

Capitalism is the Problem

Richard Wolff tells the truth.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hierarchy-Free Production

"...that it could be managed by any farmer..." That's basic to true collectivism. A system that can be run in a single level, without hierarchy; a truly democratic organization. Direct democracy. That is true Marxism.

Monday, January 9, 2017

The First Principle

Let us never forget: The heart of justice is ownership of the means of production by the workers.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Too Poor to Live

8 million people per year die because THEY ARE TOO POOR TO STAY ALIVE! Fuck capitalism. Fuck capitalists. Fuck capitalist collaborators. This shit has to stop!

The Crisis

In capitalist societies, capitalists come first. More accurately, capitalists' money come first. Above all, the money must be saved! If that means you or I must starve to death, so be it! This is the crisis: humans mean nothing in capitalist society, other than as a means to generate more money. Employee, customer, whatever position the human occupies, she is nothing more than a means to the generation of profit.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Monthly Review on the Nobel Economics Prize

Outland provides us with a link to the Monthly Review article on what is wrong with the Mainstream Western Economics Paradigm.

Five Basic Points

1. It must always be people before government, before party and everything else. Always, the people first. The people are fed before the government. People are defended before the government. The people are cared for in all things before the government, before everything else. If one would work in government, this must be understood above all: the people must always come first.

2. Intellectual life must never be stifled. But, intellectual life must also be in support of the cause of the people. This will be a delicate tension, but it must be maintained. Intellectuals are valuable, and absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of any society.

3. There is no room for naked self-interest. All things for the people, not for oneself. This is paramount. In this way, capitalism is absolutely incompatible. There can be no seeking after one’s own prosperity. Prosperity for the people leads to prosperity for all. This may sound naive, but it is absolutely true, given the chance to manifest.

4. There can never be one leader. All leadership must be collective. It must be built from the ground up, not from the top down. The idea of having a single great leader, a head of state, leads to cultism, or to dictatorship. This removes the people from power, which can never be allowed to happen.

5. Disagreements, rivalries, etc, will always happen. These things are inevitable. However, they must never interfere with the work of the people. Whoever is found to be working for the people must be respected, and disagreements must be resolved, rivalries discouraged. Rivalries are nothing more than competing egos. There is no room for excessive ego in the work of the people.